Protecting And Preserving What Matters Most: Family

Hidden Assets During A Divorce

On Behalf of | Sep 19, 2022 | Divorce, Family Law

“Three things cannot be hidden long: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”


No matter how amicable a divorcing couple is, the dissolution of marriage with the equitable of assets is a complicated process. One issue that can cause an already complex undertaking to become even more muddled is hidden assets. In many divorces one spouse will try to withhold information about certain assets from the other spouse.

If you have reason to believe your spouse is hiding assets, don’t hesitate to important to retain the counsel of an attorney who understands how to uncover those hidden assets so they can be equitably divided for the benefit of your children and your future.

Here is a quick list of places we can help you look for your spouse’s hidden assets:

  • Checking Account Statements
  • Employer
  • Coworkers
  • Tax Returns
  • Tax Assessor
  • Your Spouse’s Friends
  • Your Spouse’s Family
  • Loan Applications
  • Mortgage Applications

Discovery And Documentation

Unfortunately not all spouses are forthright in disclosing the breadth of their assets in divorce proceedings. Your tough-minded and understanding New Jersey divorce attorney can help you navigate such a circumstance should you find yourself wondering if your spouse is withholding information.

There is a legal way to do this called the “discovery process”. In discovery, we will be able to formally request the submission of all financial information and documentation.

Tax Returns & Tax Assessor

Most people know not to mess around with the IRS. By now it is widely known, the IRS just doesn’t play games. In the discovery process we can help you request tax returns from the last three to five years from your spouse. In addition we will run a title search with the tax assessor to see if your spouse has ever purchased any property you did not know about.

Checking Account Statements

Getting a hold of you spouse’s banking records is always a good idea if you feel there may be some assets hiding going on. We can work alongside you to help you formally request to see information on all his or her financial accounts.

Friends or Family

Your spouse’s friends and your in-laws may conspire to help your spouse hide assets. Part of discovery will be investigating whether or not family members have cooked up a fake debt, which they agree to pay back after the divorce is final.

Mortgage & Loan Applications

Mortgage and loan application information is another great place to find hidden assets. Any loan application will list all assets owned by your spouse plus a summary of the values of those assets.

Employer & Coworkers

Is your spouse’s employer holding off on bonuses, stock options and benefits until after the divorce has been finalized?  We can help you find out.

Contact The Law Office of Gary J. Natale Today

Gary J. Natale takes as much interest in your personal welfare as he does in the outcome of your divorce proceedings. If you feel your spouse is hiding assets, enlist the advocacy of an attorney with the wherewithal to uncover the truth. Call the Law Office of Gary J. Natale at 973-324-9711 or contact us online anytime.